In a distant galaxy, an advanced civilization subjugates galaxies and planets. They anihilate any resistance, enslave the inhabitants and use them to gatter any valuable resource the planet has, before killing them all and exploding the planet. After dominating the Andromeda galaxy, they came to the Milky Way, aiming for the Earth, but a hero rises with the mission to fight them. You are this hero! Explore planets, fight enemies, and free oppressed races.
Brain Teasers
Farm Animals Jigsaw
Easter Mahjong Deluxe
Block Animal Puzzle
Cute Puppy Escape 2
Pixel Farm
Mermaid chage princess
Fruits Merge
Galactic Heroes Puzzle
Kaiju Run Dzilla Enemies
Shoot Your Nightmare: Space Isolation
Chaki Jet
3d super tank
Wedding Beauty Salon
Cadillac CT4-V Slide
Lovely Doll Creator
Minigolf Master
Moto Stunt Online
Cool Car Parking
Jigsaw Master Mania
Candy Smash
Longboard Crasher
Pixel Panic
Puppet Master
Princess Makeup Girl Game
Avoid the Sharks
Forest Slither Snake
Wrestling Fight
Neon Race Retro Drift